The physical effects of humic acid can modify the soil structure
As we know the humic acids physically modify the structure of the soil, but do you know the benefits of this function to the soil where the crops grow? Let's see.
1. Acid humic can improved structure of soil: Prevents high water and nutrient losses in light, sandy soils, simultaneously converting them into fruitful soils by way of decomposition. In heavy and compact soils, aeration of soil and water retention is improved; cultivation measures are facilitated.
2. Humic acid from leonardite can prevents soil cracking, surface water runoff and soil erosion by increasing the ability of colloids to combine.
4. Humic acid organic fertilizer can increases water holding capacity of soil and thus helps resist drought.
5. Darkens the color of the soil and thus helps absorption of the sun’s energy. Humic acids chemically change the fixation properties of the soil.

7. Humic acid fulvic acid can improves and optimizes the uptake of nutrients and water by plants.
8. Increases buffering properties of soil.
9. Pure humic acid acts as natural chelator for metal ions under alkaline conditions and promote their uptake by the
10.Humic acid powder 95% becomes rich in both organic and mineral substances essential to plant growth.
11.Retains water soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones and reduces leaching.
12. Possesses extremely high cation-exchange capacities.
13. Promotes the conversion of nutrient elements (N, P, K + Fe, Zn and other trace elements) into forms available to plants.
14. Enhances the uptake of nitrogen by plants.
15. Humic acid fulvic acid reduces the reaction of phosphorus with Ca, Fe, Mg and Al and liberates it into a form that is available and beneficial to plants. The productivity of particular mineral fertilizers is increased considerably.
16. Liberates carbon dioxide from soil calcium carbonate and enables its use in photosynthesis.
18. Reduces the availability of toxic substances in soils.