What is humic acid and fulvic acid
Humus is an organic mixture that consists of both fulvic acid and humic acid. Humic and fulvic acids can greatly benefit your plant’s growth.They can help increase your yield, make your plants more resistant and aid their growth in many ways.
It is one of the best organic chelating products available naturally. Chelating is the process of forming complex ligand. This humic acid granule/powder not only increases cation exchange capacity or capacity of holding nutrient in soil, but also has calcium and other micronutrients that make it easy for plants to grow.
First of all, we need to make sure that enough quantity of this acid is supplied to soil. This acid humic has negatively charged ions which help in binding cations. The most important role of it is to produce positively charged multivalent ions i.e. Chelates.
By chelating of ions, humic acid eases the intake of ions by using various mechanisms. Without chelating, the boosting of plant, fruit and vegetable yields is nearly impossible.
What is humic acid ?
Humic acid organic is dark brown or black organic matter that is water-soluble at more alkaline levels. It derives from the organic components of soil such as humus or peat and is produced by microorganisms that break down dead organic matter.
Humic acid is an excellent soil conditioner due to its high molecular weight. It works well for soil and soil-less substrates where it supplements and rejuvenates the growing medium at the same time. Adding humic acid will improve the medium’s water retention and it will facilitate the movement and availability of nutrients.
Lowes lawn fertilizer humic acid granule is a great chelating agent. It attaches itself to micronutrients where it forms a bond so that the mineral can be more easily absorbed by plants. It is also promoting a better ion-exchange and supports better buffering capabilities. When elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and manganese can be absorbed more easily, it benefits both, the growth of plant matter and root mass. This beneficial effect of adding humic acid effect can be observed in soil grows and hydroponic grows.
What is fulvic acid?
Fulvic acid is humic material that is Black Brown Flakes/Powder but it is soluble at all pH levels. Science believes that Fulvic acid is made up of DNA from dead organic life forms which means that it is between the organic and mineral world. Due to the close relationship with humic acid, some see fulvic acid as being a “fancier” version of humic acid.
Fulvic acid powder flakes fertilizer has a lower molecular weight than humic acid. It has less carbon but a higher oxygen content. Because of its lower molecular weight, it can easier penetrate plant leaves and the plant’s cells. Potassium fulvic acid water soluble fertilizer can even enter the plants' mitochondria. Because of this characteristic of fulvic acid, it is very efficient when applied as root drench or foliar spray.
They work with irrigation, when added to a watering regimen or if we supplement them to soil in dry form. Humic substances are also beneficial for seedlings, cuttings and clones.
Humic acid and fulvic acid can chelate minerals into a form that makes them easier available and easier to absorb to our plants. One side-effect here is also that harmful toxic substances become less of a threat. Adding humic acid and fulvic acid increases water retention and filtration ability of the medium so that plants can tolerate water shortages and dry spells better. As a result, stress on the plants is reduced and the germination rate is increased. The same beneficial effect encourages root growth, plant metabolism and cell division.