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Why humic acid is necessary for plants

August 13, 2020

Regarding the organic fertilizer such as humic acid, our customers from all over the world have asked our Technical Experts a lot of questions. Let us give you a unified answer.

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Why organic fertilizer humic acid is necessary for plants?

Current scientific studies show that the fertility of soil is determined to a very large extent by the content of potassium humic acids. Their high cation-exchange capacity (CEC), the oxygen content as well as the above average water holding capacity are the reasons for the high value of using humic acids for improving soil fertility and plant growth. The most important feature of humic acids lies in their ability to bind insoluble metal ions, oxides and hydroxides, and to release them slowly and continuallyto plants when required.

Why humic acid is necessary for plants

Humic acid potassium chelate nutrient compounds, especially iron, in the soil to a form suitable for plant utilization. Thus, the nutrient supply of plants is optimized. Increases up to 70% in yield, accompanied by a reduction up to 30% in the use of fertilizers and pesticides, as well as better and healthier growth of green grass, ornamentals, agricultural crops and woods can be attained with the regular application of first-quality humic acids. Furthermore, water holding capacity of soils is increased considerable, which means that the use of water can be reduced substantially.

Humic acids are an excellent natural and organic way to provide plants and soil with a concentrated dose of essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Compared to other organic products, Leonardite enhances plant growth (biomass production) and fertility of the soil. Another advantage of Leonardite is its long-term effectiveness, as it does not get consumed as quickly asanimal manure, compost or peat. Leonardite decomposes completely, therefore it does not enter into nutritional competition with plants for nutrients like nitrogen. This is not the case with partially decomposed compost, whereby the organic substances in soil are rapidly consumed by microorganisms and mineralized entirely without humus formation.

So What Is Humic Acid?

Humic acids are complex molecules that exist naturally in soils, peats, oceans and fresh waters. The one source of humic acid powder 95% are the sedimentation layers referred to as Leonardite.

These layers were originally deep in the earth’s crust, but over many years have been exhumed to near-surface location. Humic acids are found in high concentration in these layers.

A concentrated organic lowes lawn fertilizer humic acid granule reserve in Oxidized Lignite. These strata (or deposits) occur naturally very close to the surface. For this reason and over the last several thousand years they have become oxidized. This natural process has concentrated the humic acid content to upward of 70 percent.